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Thursday 15 November 2012

Cookie law, Cookieless and django tips.


Last week I released a new add on for django, django-cookieless, it was a relatively small feature that was required for a current project, and since it was such a generic package seemed ideal for open sourcing as a separate egg. It made me realise that I hadn't released a new open source package for well over a year, and so this one is certainly long over due in that sense.

Cookie Law

It also over due in another sense, EU Cookie law has been in force since May 2011, so legally any sites that are used in Europe, and set cookies which are not strictly necessary for the functioning of the site, must now request permission of the user before doing so. Of course it remains to be seen if any practical enforcement measures will happen, although they were due to this summer in the UK, for example. Hence many of the first rush of JavaScript pop up style solutions, have come and gone, as a result of user confusion. But for public sector clients particularly, it is certainly simpler to just not use cookies, if they are not technically required. Also it may at least, make developers rather less blasé about setting cookies.

Certainly most people would prefer not to see their browsers filled with deliberate user tracking and privacy invasive cookies that are entirely unrelated to the sites functionality. In the same way most of us don't like being tracked by CCTV everywhere we go ... unfortunately, the current Law doesn't have a good technical solution behind it, hence it may well founder over time. This is because cookie control is too esoteric for ordinary users, and even with easy browser based privacy levels configuration, any technical solutions are problematic, because a single cookie can be used to both protect privacy (in terms of security - e.g. a CSRF token) and invade it.  It is entirely down to the specific applications usage of it, where these distinctions lie. Invasive methods can also be implemented via other session maintenance tools, such as URL rewriting, yet because no data is written to the users browser, it is outside the remit of this Law, so the Law makes little sense currently, and may well be unenforceable.

Perhaps it would of been better to aim to set laws related to encouraging adherence to set standards of user tracking, starting with compliance with the browser added 'Do Not Track' header, perhaps adding some more subtle gradations over time. With the targets of the Law, being companies whose core business is user tracking for advertising sales etc., starting with Google and working down. Rather than pushing the least transgressive public service sector, as the most likely to comply, to add a bunch of annoying 'Will you accept our cookies?' pop ups.

However even if  this law dries up and blows away, for our particular purposes, we needed django to cater for any number of sessions per browser (as well as not using cookies for anonymous users).
Django's default session machinery requires cookies, so ties a browser to a single session - request.session set against a cookie. But because django-cookieless provides sessions maintainable by form posts, it automatically delivers multiple sessions per browser.

There are a number of security implications with not using cookies, which revolve around the difficulty of preventing session stealing without them. Given this is the case, django-cookieless has a range of settings to reduce that risk, but even so I wouldn't recommend using it for sessions that are tied to authenticated users, and hence could lead to privilege escalation, if the session were stolen.

Django Tips

I thought the egg would be done in a day, but in reality it took a few days, due to a number of iterations that were necessary as I discovered a series of features around the lesser known (well to me) parts of  django. So I thought I would share these below, in case, any of the tips I gained are useful ...

  1. The request object life cycle goes through three main states in django:
    unpopulated - the request that is around at the time of process_request type middleware hooks - before it gets passed by the URL handler to decorators and then views.
    partly populated - the request that has session, user and other data added to it (mainly by decorators) and gets passed to a view
    fully populated - the request that has been passed through the view to add its data, and is used to generate a response - this is the one that process_response sees.
  2. I needed to identify requests that were decorated with my no_cookies decorator at the time of process_request. But the flag it sets has not be set yet. However there is a useful utility to work around this, django.core.urlresolvers.resolve, which when passed a path, gives a match object containing the view function to be used, and hence its decorators, if any.
  3. Template Tags that use a request get the unpopulated one by default.  I needed request to have the session populated for the option of adding manual session tags - see the tags code, to have the partly populated request in tags django.core.context_processors.request must be added to the TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in settings.

  4. The django test framework's test browser is in effect a complex mocking tool to mock up the action of a real browser, however like any mock objects - it may not exactly replicate the behaviour one desires. In my case it only turns on session mocking if it finds the standard django session middleware in settings. In the case of cookieless it isn't there, because cookieless acts as a replacement for it, and a wrapper to use it for views undecorated with no_cookies. Hence I needed to use a trick to set a TESTING flag in settings - to allow for flipping cookieless on and off.