
Thursday 4 February 2010

django freaks ... or not?

I went to the local bristol and bath django users group meet up at the Watershed bar in Bristol last night.

Although I had feared they would be rather hardcore platform geeks ... actually they were surprisingly platform unspecific with pretty much everyone having done or doing stuff in something else, eg java .net or php.
No perl though - I guess that indicates the under 40s profile that I was attempting to subvert

There was a slight hint of plone / zope refugee status. Although nobody was using django as a CMS solution some were using drupal like we do in the ILRT that I work in at the University of Bristol.

Aside from the pure techiness it was good to chat with freelancers outside of academia, and as a group of practical developers there was none of that platform evangelism that be rather wearing at highly platform specific events.

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